Aug 3, 2021
The pandemic showed us all what schooling in today's world is like, and many didn't like it. There was a massive spike in homeschooling, and who knows how many of those will stay out of public school in the coming year.
Ainsley Arment is the Founder of Wild + Free, a home-schooling community and company that connects and supports parents who educate their children at home. Ainsley is also co-founder of Wild Explorers Club and the Wild + Free Farm Village, and host of the Wild + Free podcast. She is the bestselling author of The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child's Education and Wild and Free Handcrafts: 32 Activities to Build Confidence, Creativity, and Skill.
Ainsley joins Adam and Naresh to discuss what homeschooling really is (hint: it's NOT what happened last year during lockdowns), and ways you can enable your children to be their best self.
Featured Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash