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The Work From Home Show

Aug 28, 2022

Nearly everyone finds themselves switching directions at least one time during their career. What you think you want day 1 turns out to be number 3 or 4 of what you ACTUALLY end up being passionate about.

Adam Schroeder and Naresh Vissa talk with Bob Drury, experienced the same thing. From newspapers covering athletes...

Aug 22, 2022

Difficult times can make or break people. Change and transition are hard on even the strongest. But there are ways to break free from the fear that change can bring and blossom into what we're meant to be.

Adam Schroeder and Naresh Vissa are joined by Elizabeth Lesser to discuss exactly this in today's world.


Aug 12, 2022

Customer service is more of a curse word than a service for clients in today's day and age. But it doesn't have to be.

Mitche Graf joins Adam Schroeder and Naresh Vissa to discuss where companies have gone wrong and how entrepreneurs can deliver "6-Star" service to their clients to stand out in the marketplace.


Aug 7, 2022

What makes a good person?

This is one of the questions that Adam Schroeder and Naresh Vissa try to answer today with Dr. Dilip Jeste.

Dr. Jeste has spent his recent time exploring whether there's a relationship between wisdom and loneliness, what wisdom actually means, and what it is about the core of people that makes...