Sep 11, 2023
Patrick K. O'Donnell is the Founder of The Drop Zone Virtual
Museum and #1 New York Times' bestselling author of 12 books and
scores of films and documentaries spanning the American Revolution
to the Battle of Fallujah. He is a leading expert on America’s
elite and special operations units. His popular books
include We Were One: Shoulder to Shoulder with the Marines
Who Took Fallujah, Washington's Immortals: The Untold Story
of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution,
Rowed Washington Across the Delaware, and Give Me
Tomorrow: The Korean War's Greatest Untold Story -- The Epic Stand
of the Marines of George Company, and the new book The
Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the
Country, Formed the Navy
He joins us this week to discuss how he got into military history
writing, his ideation process, and advice to writers looking to
make a living and career.