Sep 24, 2020
Do you use your time effectively? Do you know what you're doing today? Is your day packed too tight?
Laura Vanderkam joins the show again to discuss how the most successful people leverage their time, what (if anything) you have to sacrifice to "have it all", and the overall importance of the calendar.
Laura is the host of the Before Breakfast podcast, The New Corner Office podcast, and co-host of the Best of Both Worlds podcast. Her 2016 TED talk, "How to Gain Control of Your Free Time," has been viewed more than 5 million times. She is the multiple New York Times' bestselling author of Juliet's School of Possibilities: A Little Story About the Power of Priorities, What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings--and Life, I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time, 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, and the new book THE NEW CORNER OFFICE: How The Most Successful People Work From Home.
Featured Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash